est 2006
The aim of Titans FC is to include children and young adults with disabilities into mainstream sport and to have lots of fun at the same time. Games are played on Saturday afternoons and played under similar age appropriate formats – shorter playing time, smaller teams, smaller fields, no offsides (for younger teams) and unlimited interchange.
Players are encouraged to play independently of parents or guardian, however a parent or guardian may accompany their child on the field. Games are played against teams who have byes in their SSFA competitions each weekend.

Many of the younger players start the season with parents on the field, but as confidence grows parents are relegated to the ranks of spectators.
Sutherland Titans FC became the Sutherland Shire Football Association’s (SSFA) 26th club in 2006 after playing under the name Sutherland Shire Special Division in 2005 with 4 teams called Pandas, Polars, Koalas and Grizzlies. Gymea United SC greatly assisted the club in 2005 with the season culminating in a trophy presentation and BBQ at Gymea Bay Oval hosted by Gymea United Soccer Club.
Season 2006 saw the now six Titans teams (Panda Bears, Polar Bears, Koala Bears, Grizzly Bears, Bob Cats & Scorpions) move to Box Road 4 to play a full season in several age divisions. The draw based on mainstream club teams who had byes heading down to Sylvania to take on the Titans. Sylvania hosted the Titans for their first 3 seasons and the club grew each season. Each season a finals series was played with Titans maintaining an unbeaten record throughout these first few seasons. Many hard fought battles with some excellent teams from all around the Shire ensured the Titans were tested at every turn.
The club owes a great deal to the Sylvania Club for its wonderful assistance through this period with one of the highlights being the Titans emblem marked into the ground for a memorable Grand Final day.
In 2009 the Titans again moved home ground heading to Sutherland 3 and were hosted by North Sutherland Rockets who also provide be fantastic hosts providing assistance with ground setup and packup as well as having convenient canteen facilities and some storage and meeting areas for the Club. With the further growth of Titans and availability of Sutherland 3 being reduced as the Rockets rooball grew Titans took the next big step in their journey.
In 2011 the Club, on the invitation of the SSFA Executive, relocated to Harrie Dening Football Centre which provided Titans with a home of their own. This brought with it some extra challenges and members of SSFA Executive Committee along with many club volunteers greatly assisted the Titans in adjusting to their new home.
However, the Sutherland Titans F.C. aim is to have their own home and, finally, in 2017 the club moved to a permanent home ground at Coachwood Oval, Alfords Point. Grand finals were played at Seymour Shaw for one final season and from 2018 grand final games are held at our home ground, Coachwood Oval.